Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Manual Power Pole Vs. The Bomb

A manual power pole is a great idea someone must have dreamed up while rocking in a hammock, sipping a cool drink and thinking about fishing somewhere. Anywhere. They say a bad day of fishing is better than a good day at work. If you're someone who likes to fish, chances are good you also have a boat, which means this is for you. Every fishing boat would benefit by the installation of either a hydraulic or a manual power pole. Here's why.

A power pole (not the kind that holds up the electric lines) is also known as a shallow water anchor. It's for tethering a boat to the bottom while fishing (or just relaxing with another cool drink). It holds the boat in place while you do on about your business of recreating. Then, when it's time to go, up comes the pole and you're on your way.

There's a lot to choose from online in this shallow water anchor category, spanning a wide range in cost and quality. The concept is simple -- stake out your boat to the lake bed, river bed or sea bed. But there are a few different ways to accomplish this mission. Some are slightly tedious while others are totally automatic.

The top of the line is a company that shares its name with the product... 'Power-Pole'. According to them, the P. P. Is Swift and Secure. That's a good slogan because it perfectly describes what they've developed... A way to swift secure your boat when and where you want.

If you know where the fish are running, you want to stop right there and you want to stop there NOW. If you're in eight feet of water or less, the manual power pole will do the job. Whether the bottom is covered with mud, rocks, gravel, sand or vegetation doesn't matter. He manual power pole will lock you in and let you forget about it. It's fast, quiet and effortless to use.

Having the ability to stop without resorting to the use of a clumsy boat anchor or a noisy trolling motor is a great advantage out there on the water. It doesn't matter what's on the bottom... Mud, sand, rocks, gravel... The power pole will hold you securely against the currents and the wind. The feeling of knowing you're securely tethered will not only ease your mind, but you'll actually be able to catch more fish too.

You WANT a manual power pole now, right? Haha. If you're a sport boater you SHOULD have one! They're awesome. Now you're okay with a manual power pole, you'll thank yourself later for all the benefits you'll receive.

If you are looking for a power pole for boats to keep your boat still and catch more fish, check out an alternative toshallow water anchor